Saturday, March 28, 2009

Waiting on Inspiration

Okay, I will admit it has been a long time since I updated my monthly Blog. It really has been on the to do list, but clearly I am un-inspired when my reading gets done instead of the blog entry. What can I say? Things have been a blur of cold weather and work, and then more work...which is really the way it is supposed to be for a first-year resident. So let me do a quick update on life in Buckeye Country:

First, through some miracle of Mother Nature, the week we were in California was the coldest week of the winter. It was routinely in the single digits or negative single digits! Meanwhile, I was basking in one of the warmest California weeks ever. I can never remember going in to the City (SF) and sitting outside in the sun in a T-shirt in January. No one at work was surprised when I said it was 70s and sunny while I was in Cali, of course I had to remember that their idea of California weather is based on LA and TV shows which are all filmed in the spring/summer. Of course, they then laughed when I told them that cold there is 40s.

As winter rolled on, I learned a few more things: first, scarves are not only fashion accessories but are actually necessary tools to get from the car to the hospital. Second, Ohio Gray is quite gray and depressing, if you get a chance to be outside while it is light (by light I mean filtered light through the haze of gray clouds). Like a true Californian, I donned my sunglasses when it was bright outside, even if it was 12 degrees and the brightness is reflection from the snow. BUT, truly I know I am adapting to the weather when I walk to my car enjoying the more pleasant weather and then read by car thermometer: 48 degrees. Really? 48 is pleasant now???

And so the residency rolls on in a blur of reading, journal clubs, late nights, ER shifts, etc. I am happy to report that I am learning more and increasing my skills, but the more I do the more I realize I have to learn before taking the boards in a few short years (ahh!)

The pets have also settled in and some sort of truce has been reached between the dog and cats. They will now co-exist in the same room together, but still no playing or direct interaction--unless Cowboy sniffing their butts counts. A few weeks ago, the cats were sitting on the ottoman and Cowboy actually brought a toy over, chewed it and then tossed it on to the ottoman. The cats glared disgustedly at him, he repeated this maneuver a few times and then the cats stalked off. It really is too bad that they won't play with each other, it would be great for everyone to be tired out without us being pestered for attention at all times.

The cats have also developed a funny new habit: they play in the shower. Not while it is on of course, but every night as I wash my face and get ready for bed, one of them hops in the dry shower and rolls around. The other cat, sits up on the ledge of the bathtub and then starts swatting at the first cat. Eventually, they wrestle in the shower and chase each other in the tub, up around the shower curtain and back down into the tub. This happens nightly, without fail. If I could get a video posted I would because it is quite hilarious to see them rolling around like the tub is made of catnip.

But, I digress about my pets... Next weekend, is my first weekend of being the primary resident oncall as the other residents will all be out of town for a wedding. I have a surgeon backup, and I am sure we will all spend a lot of time together, but it is still werid to think of being the primary on every surgery case in the building. Especially since I was oncall with a resident last weekend and we got slammed! 14 cases in one weekend is too many! We were at work for about 20 hours on Sunday and I really hate starting off the week with 3 hours of sleep! I am just hoping it isn't like that next weekend. Maybe I should just keep my fingers crossed until then! Maybe my toes too, how about my eyes? really any good luck will help!

And yes, it is starting to be spring here, the daffodils are out. Although I have been told that we are due for a big snow storm any time now. I guess I won't put my long black coat away!

Monday, January 12, 2009

California To Do List

What I need to do while in California this week:
1. Visit with family and friends
Okay, well, 1 have dinner and lunch plans, trying to cram in seeing everyone as much as possible.
2. Enjoy the sunshine
60-70 degrees and sunny--need I say more??
3.  Workout
Hey, its 65 degrees outside---easy to go take a walk...big change from the 25 degrees in Ohio.
4. See some mountains...really, more than the rolling hills of Ohio.
Wide Open Spaces is nice--the Dixie Chicks were right!
5. See the ocean
Definitely can't be crossed off in Ohio, although there are some large lakes nearby.
6. Eat GOOD Mexican food
No, Chipotle, doesn't count as good Mexican food.
7. Eat at Jamba Juice
There are no Jamba Juices in Ohio, and when I described what a healthy smoothie is, they described Coldstone ice cream smoothies...seriously.  I was then offered a milkshake at the fast food chain Steak n Shake.
8. Try some more international delights that aren't available in Ohio
I had some great Indian food..maybe some Thai food tomorrow...yes, I am very food motivated-there is a reason why me and my Labrador get along.
9. Get some studying done
With Justin and everyone else working, I have some time to catch up on reading, and yes, I am too much of a dork to not study this week.
10. Enjoy the sunshine
yes, it is worth writing twice.